Post-Toronto Touching Base
Wowie, I hit the ground running when I got back to Lansing! I took so many photos and videos there that I can only hope to catch up here.
This video I took on Saturday (I got home about midnight Wednesday and was out of town all day Friday singing with Brian). Please forgive my focus off screen, I’m still getting used to video. I get more comfy onscreen in the last little bit, but you can tell I’m in there by my voice.
I considered stripping out the visual and posting just my voice… Would you like that, or do you prefer the video even if it’s less than Hollywood style? I find it a bit distracting that somehow I focused off camera. Does that bother you?
August 22nd, 2013 at 5:32 pm
It didn’t bother me much at all, and I do prefer visual rather than just audio :-}
What was important for me was less the focus point of your eyes and more your facial expressions, so it was just fine :-}