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Stretching a Little

Well, my friend Rae has a small yarn shop. Small enough that the employees are all relatives, although a good portion of her instructors (including me) are not. She needed to go to TNNA to order more yarn. With two of the three other folks who work the shop.

So I said I’d watch the shop for 2 days. Well, most of 2 days since I have a wedding to attend mid-afternoon on Saturday. It’s good to stretch a bit sometimes, and do things that are not in one’s comfort zone.

Now, I love working retail… at least, the part where people come in with questions or challenges and I get to help them. I have only done this twice in my life (both times as a second job) and really enjoyed it. But I have not worked a cash register in a long while. Thank goodness that cash registers are now basically computers. I can figure them out better that way.

So today I spent six-plus hours at the shop. It was good fun. I did have a little tug o’war with the bar code scanner at first, but it did finally decide to behave. I figure if that is the worst thing that happens while I’m working an unfamiliar job alone, then I am doing fine.

And I got to see so many people I knew! Kathy, Jacque, Lynnette and Suzanne all came in, and we got to chat a little. Other folks, too… but these I had time to chat with. That was a blast.

But I tell you, my feet hurt! I remember now why I don’t do this any more. I’m going to enjoy tomorrow again, and then I’ll be happy to be in the car 5 hours on my way to Indianapolis, resting my feet before I stand up again for a long stretch.

Thanks to my friends/students who came by. It made my day pass very quickly and happily. (Even if I had a few hiccups in the cash register department!) All’s well that ends well, and it did turn out just fine.

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