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I Love Skyscrapers

dallasskyscrapers1.jpgI’m getting settled in again after being gone so long. I know some of you are waiting semi-patiently for the travelogue.

The truth is, I lost my power supply to this laptop on the trip (I think I left it in the waiting area at Detroit Metro Airport on the way to Dallas… drat). I had enough battery for one night and that was the end of that! Thankfully, Diana and Eric (brother and sis-in-love) found me a new one and had it ordered/shipped in time for me to get it on Tuesday afternoon.

It was a busy Tuesday, anyway, and I did not have much time to write or even sit at my desk. However, I downloaded 250 photos while Brian and I were rehearsing and I developed a few for you after rehearsal. Wednesday I will start the travelogue…

dallasskyscrapers2.jpgMeanwhile, here are some photos I am very happy with. I took them out the window of my friend’s car on Monday as we were sightseeing.

I love skyscrapers. I love, love, love big cities. The first big city I ever really experienced was Toronto, in 1975. I was a Junior in High School.

That trip changed my life. I felt so right when I was in the city. During that trip, I took a lot of photographs from the sidewalk pointing the camera straight up. I was in love. I’m still in love. Can you tell it from these city photos? Aaaaah….


More everything later. For now I need to sleep. Thanks for staying tuned in while I was away.


One Response to “I Love Skyscrapers”

  1. batyah grossman Says:

    Hi there! Is there anyway to contact you? I found your website by googling “teff, baking” and found your muffin recipe. I would like to ask you some more questions about baking with teff, or if you know of any other sites (most recipes seem to only use a bit of teff along with other flour but I’m wanting to bake solely with teff and don’t know if that’s possible). Also, why do you use tomatoes in the muffin recipe? That seems weird to me. I was wondering if applesauce would work just as well. ? Hope to hear from you! thanks!