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More Ann Arbor

Pied Piper Sox by LynnHPied Piper Sox by LynnHThere isn’t much to say today. I worked at Foster in the morning and afternoon, and then headed down to Ann Arbor to work the Ann Arbor Fiberart Guild booth again. It was fun. I lucked out, it rained a bit but that was before I got there. We had only a few tiny sprinkles when I first arrived. And since it was late in the day, I found a parking spot much closer than usual. It was a meter spot but they stop patrolling at 6pm. It was a good day that way.

On the way home, I went to Zingerman’s deli for a cup of good tea. I have to ask for the Japanese teas, because they do have them in stock but for some reason don’t have them listed on the menu board. No trouble, I got what I wanted (Genmaicha, which is green tea and toasted rice).

I’m tired. Being outdoors is not something I do much and it wipes me out a bit, but I’m doing pretty well with it this year. I think riding my bike the last few weeks has helped somewhat.

Tomorrow I don’t work at Foster and I don’t work the Art Fair. My friend Vince and his family are coming to stay the night on Saturday after I get out of the Art Fair. Therefore, tomorrow I tidy the house (I call it shoveling, but it’s not as bad as that sounds) for their arrival. I also have a zillion errands and promises to handle now that I’m actually home for a workday. I’m sure the day will end before my to-do list does. That is the nature of my life, anyway.

(Photos are two pair of sox I did in spring 2002. I call them Pied Piper Sox because mine followed the inspiration of Brian’s… a stretch, I know. The yarn was Dale Freestyle washable wool, worsted weight. They have stood up well to wear. Mine are stockinette, Brian’s are ribbed, and his have an extra black stripe at the very top.)

Have I mentioned how much I enjoy Ann Arbor? Art fair or not, it’s a great city. What a fine energy it has! I’ll have happy dreams, very soon.

One Response to “More Ann Arbor”

  1. TheresaW Says:

    Ah, Lynn, you’re making me homesick! I hope you’re having a good time at the Art Fair — I was hoping to get away from Chicago to wander around in it this year, but it didn’t quite work out. At least I’m going to get to go to the Fiber Festival in Allegan!