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A Little More Time

I have been working like a crazy woman to document my new Turkish socks and I just can’t get all the pictures in order quite yet. I haven’t been feeling well and I need to sleep! Typically I’d just stay up until the wee hours of the morning (when the world is quiet I can get so much done!) but tonight is not a good night for that.

I will just report that today I had five knitters at CityKidz Knit! (even though our building was unnaturally quiet because it is the first week of school). Not only that, I had a majority of boys: three boys and two girls. One of my younger girls is finally starting to “get it.” She still makes mistakes but notices sooner. She just finished her third wrist band today.

This child is loving being competent enough at knitting! Today she learned how to knit two together, how to bind off (using K2Tog rather than the typical bind off adults use), how to thread a darning needle with yarn, how to sew with an overhand stitch and hide the yarn ends. And a week ago I didn’t have any hope that she would ever “get it.” I love it when they surprise me.

As for the Turkish socks: I got to show them to a few knitting friends today and got the expected oohs and aahs! Even non-knitters can see how special they are.

The photos are all edited, large and small, and I have written text to accompany the pictures. Now I need to write the code so that when you click a small image you get to see a larger image. And I just plain need to sleep so I’ll finish that tomorrow.

Sleep well, my friends!

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