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Gratitude Today

And now for a positive post to make up for grousing about snow in the previous column.

I saw an acquaintance today who has a long-term relationship that works well. I was talking with her about how lucky I feel to have Brian in my life.

I said something I’ve said many times, but it seems bigger to me lately. For years I knew that other people found relationships that really were happy. However, for decades I did not really believe that I could be one of those happy people.


And then somehow my life turned down a different road (that turn took several years but things are truly different now). When I was dating Brian, I would tell myself “It’s not too good to be real… it’s good and it’s real.” I believed by then that I could be happy.

And I am. And he is. We’ve been married 12 years and he still lights up when I walk in the room.

I count my blessings every day.

(Photo is Brian introducing me at this last Saturday’s concert. We opened for Juggernaut Jug Band at Mama’s Coffeehouse in the greater Detroit area. He quoted our new President’s first words at the first inaugural ball of many… “First of all, how beautiful is my wife?” And then we laughed… a blurry but wonderful photo.)

5 Responses to “Gratitude Today”

  1. Diana Troldahl Says:

    One of the best things we can do as human beings is be chock full of gratitude.
    Complaining about snow does not detract from that :-} I see it more as an observation :o}

    More grateful than I can express for my own guy.

  2. Donna Says:

    I’ll take Gratitude for 32 years and counting. 1) I retired at 50 y/o from MSU with his support and financial savvy. 2) no kids, but a plethora of nieces and nephews that adore their uncle.

    The photo of you two is lovely and I love the “aww Garsh” look on your face…

  3. Mom Says:

    Wonderful! I love the picture. To think that it has been 12 years, wow! A lot has happened in 12 years. I am so very happy for both of you.

  4. Cyndi Says:

    Your post has got to be the sweetest thing I’ve read in quite a while. And what a great photo! I can just feel the love radiating from my computer screen.

    Thank you for sharing this moment with us!

  5. Chelle Says:

    Ah Lynn that really is a warm, sweet post that makes me happy to read. I am so glad that you found such deep happiness with Brian. I know exactly what you mean, because I’ve cherished my husband for 24 years. It’s one of life’s most important blessings to find a mate that you can be truly happy with and who can offer all the support and love that is too often missing in the outside world. Congrats! I love the photo too. It’s adorable.