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Wow. NeckWarmer is a BIG. HIT.

My One-Day NeckWarmer pattern is going a small bit crazy on Ravelry.com. The last time I saw this kind of action was when I released my ZigBagZ patterns (Maxi Collection and Mini Collection), in February about a year and a half ago.

I am pretty sure this is topping even the bags… I have had over 100 people “favorite” my pattern in about 22 hours. Here is a detail/closeup from the Lynn DT Hershberger Designer page on Ravelry:

100heartsDo you see? 100 hearts? I can not help myself, I am incredibly thrilled. As I type this, the number has grown again. Also, there are 25 people who have “queued” the pattern. This is a feature intended for keeping track of items you intend to knit at some point. Not just that you like it, but you plan to put it on your needles.

In reality, knitters use the queue for a number of different reasons, but I find these numbers to be not just encouraging… but heartening. One can not plan for a pattern to become a success, but this one sort of happened quickly.

I guess those sayings I keep repeating: 1) Be yourself; and 2) Trust your gut, are really working out for me this week. Isn’t it great when all things fall into place, if only for a while?

For the record, I put up the pattern page for this item before the pattern is/was ready to be sold. It is in progress and very close to release. However, I wanted to put this design in my November 16 Featured Pattern ad, on Ravelry, and I could not submit an advertisement if it did not point to an existing pattern page.

I did this in a little backwards fashion. To be honest, those ZigBagZ happened the same way. I don’t want this to be a trend, but this freelance worker/designer is happy with what is happening right now.

Thanks to all of you who are supporting me now. Whether old friends, family, or new acquaintances, I appreciate every one of you.

2 Responses to “Wow. NeckWarmer is a BIG. HIT.”

  1. Lori Says:

    Go Lynn, how exciting! I’m very happy for you!

  2. Diana Troldahl Says:

    Deadline for Nov 16th ads is Nov 11th, thank goodness.
    I know what you mean about hits, I am delighted with the attention Aconite is getting too. A good week for the Troldahl Family Knitters!