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Student Works

I’ve had a lot of students lately. That has been joyful! I haven’t taken time to write about it here much, with other things taking my focus when I’m at my desk.


I’m really busy driving back and forth between classes and trying (emphasis on try) to get the One-Day NeckWarmer pattern ready for sale. One day is how long it took to KNIT the thing, but writing the explanation and laying out the pattern so it’s easy to read, has abbreviations/techniques explained well, putting photos in that look good small… well, it’s more work than I think it should be.

BUT: The good news?

I have had a lot of students finish projects this week. I had two children finish first projects (wristwarmers). I had three friends who come as their own class, finish hats, their first knitting projects. One of those three had a 2nd hat almost finished, and another had a scarf done as well.

I did not get photos of any of those projects. Just the same, look at what I *did* get photos of!

Kathy’s second knitting project, ever… was this baby sweater, above, in the colors of Kalamazoo College. Now, she has crocheted for years so she knows about garment construction. But I think anybody would be proud to have created this wonderful garment!

Also, Abby finished her third project ever. She made one hat with me, and made another at home as well, without a bit of help on my part. Then she started this little sock.

Abby is very strongly left-hand-dominant. I’m learning as I teach her, about knitting not just with yarn held in the left hand, but taking stitches from the right needle and working them toward the left. Sometimes she ends up with twisted stitches, but she is making shapes and sizes that are what she had intended. Score!

She has tried several times to knit “continental,” where the yarn is held in the left hand but the stitches are moved left to right. That works for a good number of lefties, but it just did not work for her.

She’s the third knitter I’ve encountered over the years who just had to learn it the way her hands would move. And she’s making some very nice projects while we find out what works for her. I’m so glad she can join in the fun, she really is happy to be knitting.


And socks? Some folks say socks are hard to knit. I say they require skills that can be learned.

Lots of my students make a hat and then they learn how to make socks, next. Why not? I made all-knit-stitch scarves for 20 years and then I made socks.

It really helps to make a smallish sock with fatter yarn than is normally used for socks, for a first project. I really enjoy teaching my First-Time Toe-Up sock when folks learn socks with me. I wrote the pattern as a learning tool, and I find that at least with my style of teaching, it really works.

Good job to everyone, photos or not!!! You make my job fun.

One Response to “Student Works”

  1. Karen Says:

    They’re lucky to have a teacher as nice as you!