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More Amazing Links

photo by roland, (c)2004Well, I finally let myself have time to surf a little bit Sunday. I found a few links that you might want to check out.

From The Boogie Knits is how to make a bra from a pair of Men’s underwear. No, I didn’t make this up.

From One More Row and Another Latte is a link to the Knitting Tarot. I know a bit about the tarot (no, I do not believe it predicts the future and I do not feel it conflicts with any “traditional” religious practices) and this artist is right-on with the symbolism even though she’s using different words to describe the concepts.

photo by roland, (c)2004On Mind of Winter, I found a link to a free pattern by Annie Modesitt, which is found on the Interweave website. The pattern is for a Fiesta Tea Set (in PDF format). Gotta love it… I’m a fanatical tea drinker. Now when will I find time to knit this? It’s far too cool!

photo by roland, (c)2004Oh… stopped by Threadbear Fiberarts‘ new shop today. It’s full of boxes, shelves, boxes, yarn, boxes, books, boxes… and today there was one dog. The dog who disappeared last night. I’m delighted for everyone that Tate is back safe and sound (and acting as if nothing out of the ordinary happened at all). Whew! I did help check in a bit of yarn and some books. I used to work in wholesale and then in retail, and I really like doing physical merchandise work. It was fun. There were several folks I know from Mid-Michigan Knitting Guild there, helping out or stopping by to say hello.

photo by nate, (c)2004After I went to Threadbear, I went to Emil’s Restaurant and had dinner with my dance friend Marie and her three children. We had a wonderful time. I love the kids… the two oldest clamored to sit by me, which was a big honor. I’m not used to all the activity created by three children (one of whom is not school age yet) but they sure are alive and fun and good company. I did some knitting as I was waiting for them to arrive, but no knitting happened (although both grownups and two of the kids knit at least occasionally) photo by nate, (c)2004after the crowd arrived. That was fine, the conversation and togetherness was good enough.

I let the boys use my digital camera to keep them happy while we were waiting for our food. The first three photos today were taken by the youngest, a preschooler. The last three were taken by the older boy, young-elementary-aged. (Sister I believe will be in 6th grade next year.) Yes, their mom thinks it’s OK for me to post their pics here, I’ve actually posted one before.

It is interesting to see how a youngster approaches a camera. The youngest kept turning the camera around, pointing it to his face before pushing the button. We don’t know if he wanted to see the familiar side of the camera or if he is left handed and the button was easier to push that way. He got very excited when he actually could tell he had a photo by nate, (c)2004photo of my face (picture 1). Actually, the older boy also got excited when he got a shot of the back of my head (picture 4) and my turquoise crystal bracelet (picture 5).

I sort of like how surreal the children’s shots can be. I’m posting them here un-cropped, and un-feathered at the edges. I did lighten them up some, and I changed the contrast on most of them so you can see detail better, but I did not change the layout of the shots at all. I also kept them small here so they would look more like the display unit on the back of the digital camera. This is how the boys viewed their photos… just a little smaller than I see them on my screen.

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