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Keep Making Music

Brian and I sing (as The Fabulous Heftones) for a number of retirement homes, independent living communities, retirement homes and Alzheimer care homes. We absolutely love this work.

Our music really is the right sort of thing for this setting. So many of our songs bring back good memories for folks. Even for those whose memories of recent events are fading, songs from decades ago seem to stay stuck in their minds.


Last Friday we went up to Alma, Michigan (an hour north of our home) to a place where we have sung several times. When we arrived, a woman was sitting at the piano. She was playing “Amazing Grace” and singing along. Sometimes she had to stop to get the chord right, but then she kept on going.

I did not want to disturb her, so I took a photo from across the room, without flash. In order for you to see her at all, I had to play with light/color levels in my PhotoShop program. Low light turns out grainy, but what happened almost looks like a pointillist painting rather than a real photo. I like it.

This woman stayed for our full concert. We really enjoyed this… at one point we had about 80% of the crowd singing along with us. They particularly enjoyed “When You wore a Tulip… and I wore a Big, Red Rose.” They also seemed to love “Bye, Bye, Blackbird.”

I just wanted to share this photo with you. It reminds me that so often we give up things that have given us joy in the past. This woman’s voice is no doubt not as strong as it was when she was younger. The piano was not in perfect tune, and she did not proceed confidently through the music.

All of the imperfections did not matter. There was no audience until we came in, part way through her song. And she was having a nice time, playing and singing just for her own pleasure.

I think we need to remember this. Do not let go of the things you love, even if you can not do them as well as you once did. Jump in and enjoy!

2 Responses to “Keep Making Music”

  1. Lindy Says:

    Hi, Lynn,

    What beautiful thoughts – thank you for sharing. Sometimes we all need reminders of what is important.


  2. ChelleC Says:

    Yes! I love that photo, and what you say is so true.