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Doe, a Deer (in the Suburbs)

CityGrrl Goes Suburban and Learns Something


I visited my Mom’s house the other day. This is maybe 10 miles east of my house. I’m a city-dweller and she’s suburban. My lot is not as wide as a city bus is long. The photo above is part of her front yard.

deertracksbushI grew up in this house. It edges a cemetery, behind which once was wetland/flood plain. Now even the wetland has houses built on it. This means that critters crowd into the cemetery for peace, and forage out when they need food.

When I was a kid, we had rabbits in the yard. They were guaranteed to eat the blueberry bushes, from the bottom up. We had chipmunks and squirrels. I do not remember other wildlife, besides birds.

In the last dozen years or so, Mom has dealt with large rodents (groundhogs?) at the back of her yard, near the cemetery. She has been brilliant dealing with those, but that is a different story than the photos I present here.

When I visited Mom’s the other day, I saw tracks in her front yard and thought “bunnies!” Then I looked again, and the tracks seemed too deep for that. I stopped and got out my camera.


deertracksdriveThe glimpse above made me think “hooves, not paws.” I remembered mom’s stories of her plants being eaten, even her front yard, last year. I wondered… deer?

Looks like it to me. I found a photo on Travels.com which confirms this thought.

I can’t help it, now I want to sing that song from Sound of Music…

3 Responses to “Doe, a Deer (in the Suburbs)”

  1. Diana Troldahl Says:

    Oscar saw a deer int eh parking lot at work last week. I think they are gettign hungry :-{

  2. Mom Says:

    When Fred was there in January, a deer came right up to the window. He thinks it saw its reflection. Yes, we have had a lot of deer there. I cannot have a garden there now. Thanks for showing the pictures.

  3. Janet Quensen Says:

    I have been vegetable gardening for over 50 years. I had to stop this last year because the deer were eating everything. One of the creatures actually died in my front yard. No organization under the sun would remove it from my property because it wasn’t on the street. That night, under cover of darkness, I dragged the poor thing to my sidewalk and hung one leg over the curb. It was gone the next day.