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Photos from Kenya, December 2004


My life changed when I went to east Africa for 38 days in 2004-2005. My friend Altu, who grew up in Ethiopia, took me to meet her family. During that time we spent 1 week in Kenya and 1 week in Egypt.


I have written several posts on my African trip and put up many photos here, over a few years. Click if you want to see the series of Africa posts. There are 45 posts in all, some have text which is not about Africa but they show photos. Many, but not all, of the photos are from Ethiopia. Few are from Kenya.

Today a friend posted a note on Twitter, with sad news about Rhinos. I decided to go peek at the photos in my previous posts and see if I had put up animal photos. I had not.


The week before Christmas, 2004, Altu and I went on a morning half-day adventure in the amazing Nairobi National Park. It’s right outside the city limits.

Nairobi is the capital city of Kenya, a true city with crazy street traffic and big buildings. In one photo you can see a herd of hartebeests in front of what looks like a string of condo homes.


But most of the park was wild and without a view of human occupation. We did not see zebras or baboons  but we saw pretty much everything else the Wikipedia article about the park says it holds.

I just put up 23 photos of that half-day adventure on my Flickr account. They are set up so they can be viewed as a slideshow. I have wanted to do this since January of 2005.


Understand that some of the close-up photos are low digital quality. This was 2005, and I used my digital zoom on that now-uncool camera to get some of the photos. It still shows that I really did see these animals.

You can click on them here (or in Flickr) to see more detail, at least on the better images. To get back to this post, click “back” at top left of your screen (or hold Alt and tap your  left-arrow key lightly, in Windows; open-apple key plus left-arrow on a Mac).


I hope some of you enjoy my Kenyan wildlife photo collection/slideshow. If you want more information about the park itself, you can read more on Wikipedia.

3 Responses to “Photos from Kenya, December 2004”

  1. Lisa in Toronto Says:

    I was wondering if you went to see the feeding of the baby elephants at the
    I found it very powerful.
    It was really amazing to see the animals from books or even TV in front of me.
    Yet these baby animals were orphaned due to human greed.
    The Wildlife Trust has some unusual ideas about how to keep animals wild and in the wild, but it seems to work to the animal’s benefit.
    Thanks for the photos!

  2. Photos from Kenya, December 2004 | Lansing Rocks Says:

    […] See the article here: Photos from Kenya, December 2004 […]

  3. momtroll Says:

    How exciting to be near wild animals and see them so close up. Nature is wonerful to see first hand. I am glad you had the opportunity to do this.