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Michelle’s Fast Florida Footies

Fast Florida Footies, pattern by LynnH, knit by MichelleI love it when you guys write to me! You make my day.

Michelle of Ooh Baby Knits writes that she made some socks for her daughter using my Fast Florida Footies pattern. She says: “They are knit with Sock It to Me from
Elann. It’s my turn next.”

It looks to me like Michelle did a kitchenered toe rather than my fave (decrease to 8 stitches and run the yarn tail through the remaining stitches). Changing to suit us is as it should be… socknitters are true artists, they adjust to their own needs and preferences. I love that about the knitting community. In the polymer clay community I would be asked “what color of green am I supposed to use?” In the knitting community it is assumed we will use a different color, probably, and a different yarn, at least half of the time. No big deal… in fact, it’s actually better when it’s personalized, you know?

Michelle, I hope you get a turn. I totally endorse selfish knitting… after all, we give up our own time to knit and I expect that we appreciate the effort we made to make them as much or more than anyone else could. So go ahead, and knit yourself the next pair!

I haven’t heard from Max in Canada for a while (I have two Max’s who write me from time to time, one a woman in Canada and one a man who is in the US, I think). Canadian Max was going to start a blog, I think. I wonder if that has occupied her time lately, I expect so. Can’t wait to hear how that is going!

Tracy H. wrote a week ago to let me know I had a few links that broke on my main patterns page, and I did fix the problem but never took the time to thank her.

Teri S. wrote to say she is going to stop in at Yarn Garden in Charlotte now that I let her know about it here in my blog. I am sure she’ll have a nice adventure there. Watch out, the Noro Kureyon might just jump into your shopping bag when you are looking the other way! I can’t believe how much of that stuff I’ve bought in the last few months between Yarn Garden and Little Red Schoolhouse! Enough to knit a tent, I’d bet! It’s imperfect stuff, to say the least, and yet the colors are so tantalizing we ignore the bad and embrace the good.

…And I hate to think of all the dressy yarns I’ve bought at Threadbear for stoles/wraps (enough for THREE of them) in the last few weeks as well. I’m knitting like crazy, really knitting a lot, but when will I sleep, if I am to ever finish all the knitting I started planning just this week? I have two wraps on the needles currently (one for me, me, me…speaking of selfish knitting… and one for a store sample at Threadbear, with one in the wings I swear is for me but probably will be a store sample at one of the other shops where I teach).

And I’m off to Yarn for Ewe (Hi, Ruth!) tomorrow (to pick up the amazingly perfect Ann Norling Fruit baby hat pattern, two copies… one for me and one for my friend April who already finished her first baby hat and is halfway through her second).

Let nobody say that I don’t celebrate my local yarn shops! They are all wonderful in their own personal style, and I adore them all. And I do know how *lucky* I am to have so many shops within an hour and 15 minutes! My goodness, do I have a lot of choices, and I take advantage of them all!

Oh, here is a quick update on this weekend’s activities: Saturday I taught a very fun Basketweave Rug class to four enthusiastic folks. It was a wonderful time. Then on Saturday night, Brian and I went to Altu’s Ethiopian Cuisine for dinner, and we heard Clavel, our Spanish-language band (they are great) play. Sunday we played for the Mary Humphrey fundraiser at Ella Sharp Museum in Jackson. Mary is such a warm and caring person, it is no wonder that her friends rebuilt the studio from rubble to having a roof in merely a week, during frigid winter weather. I was glad to be part of her event this weekend.

Photographs: 1)Michelle’s Fast Florida Footies. 2)Basketweave Rug class… from left to right, Carol, Laurie (Lori?), Anonymous, and Sara (Sarah?). 3)Carol’s rug, at the beginning. Nice choices of color, huh? 4)Rug knit by Petra, employee of Threadbear, who took my rug class the first time I offered it. 5)Clavel playing at Altu’s. 6)View from our stage area in Ella Sharp Museum/Grainery Restaurant, of bidding on Silent Auction at Mary Humphrey’s benefit.

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