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Fixing, Fiddling, Finishing

I’m on an odd mission right now. I want to fix things that aren’t right. I’ve darned 4 pair of socks in the last month, and at least one or two are waiting for me to complete them.

In the same vein, I finally sewed together that toddler sweater, after machine-knitting its four component pieces well over a year ago. I think I’m OK on the collar finally, will need to bind off more loosely and perhaps give the sweater to Anne tonight (if my headache doesn’t insist I take a sick day from dance rehearsal… we will see).

I bought a beautiful cotton-blend intarsia sweater at a resale shop right before I went to Africa. I love how it fits, but the sleeves are maybe 3″ too long and they look horrible turned up. The sleeves came with an interesting sawtooth edge that I really wanted to preserve.

I brainstormed with Sarah Peasley about this sweater last night at Knitting Guild and she figured I can unsew the armhole seam, since it’s a straight dropped sleeve design, pull up the sleeve from the top at a pleasing location, resew at the top, cut off the excess fabric on the inside, and sew up the extra 1″ or so of side seam under the sleeve. Brilliant. When I’ll do it, I’m not sure, but it’s on my A list. I really want to wear the sweater. A cotton sweater with brightly colored flowers is perfect this time of year.

And today I am finally dealing with a ColorJoy Stole that had THREE dropped stitches, just before the increase row. Those, thank goodness, are reasonably easy to hide.

I use a crochet hook to bring the loops up to the increase row, then I use sewing thread and a double-square knot in two strands of sewing thread, to attach the dropped stitch to the knitted fabric. Then I cut off that sewing thread at the same length as all the eyelashes in the stole.

While I’m wearing it, you can’t see the repair at all. If you hold it up to the window during sunlight, you probably can find it if you are determined to find it. I’m not re-knitting for that! This particular stole is two different mohairs and two different eyelash yarns, plus some “flag” yarns. It will be really really hard to find my repair unless you are really looking.

This stole has never been bound off properly so I am now ready to do the binding off. It’s a gorgeous stole, and I’m happy I will have it looking right today.

And I’m still working on the tank top. I have maybe 2 rows left before the decreases. I have to work decreases when I’m alone in silence, I’m not used to this sort of knitting yet. So that will be tonight, again if the headache doesn’t put me in bed. Last night my eye even hurt… so I went to bed and that helped. We had no pollen three days ago and yesterday it hit, nearly every tree went from barren to green in three days. I’m not the only one suffering right now. But I do love the warmth and the flowers, and this, too, shall pass.

Have a great spring day, those of you who are lucky enough to be warm.

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