Busy Sunday
Sunday, November 9th, 2003I had a very busy Sunday and had to skip a few possible activities to stay sane. Tony came over for tea and later some blackeyed pea salad. We knitted and talked about knitting and other topics. He is test knitting some different types of hemp twine and yarn. I was working on a toddler sweater on the Ultimate Sweater Machine.
I missed the knit in at Nancy McRay’s shop entirely because Tony and I were having such a lovely time that I stayed home and enjoyed that. I actually don’t feel that comfortable in groups (I know that sounds odd because I go to so many) so given the choice of one good friend and a cup o’tea, versus a group of folks, some of whom I wouldn’t know, I stayed with Tony. I missed seeing Sarah Peasley and surely a few other Lansing knit guild buddies but I”ll see them soon anyway.
Our friends Jim Hall and Cindy Morgan also had a bash at the Creole Gallery in Old Town to celebrate their new CD release. I really would have loved to go to that, but it overlapped my knitting machine committment at Yarn for Ewe so I went there and finished a sleeve on my toddler sweater and learned a bunch of good things about machine knitting.
When I was done at Yarn for Ewe, I went to Working Women Artists, at Bare Bone Studios (half a block from Creole Gallery). My friend Marlene Cameron was giving a slide presentation about her trip to Thailand, and all the amazing beautiful color and artful things she saw there. I had seen some of her slides but many of these were different (and the stories were different) so it was very worthwhile and enlightening. We had one of the best crowds we have had in a while for WWA, about 10 or a dozen. We even had a dude, Jane’s sweetie Tim. We all know him well and he was most welcome, but we did tease him and congratulate him on breaking the gender barrier to the Working Women Artists group!
Mom was there, too, and it was good to see her. She was wearing some sox I knit for her a while back. She can’t wear wool sox much in Florida (it was 83 there Sunday) so she wears them when she can up here.
I guess Sunday was a lesson in being human. We just can not do every cool thing we want to do, you know? The things I did accomplish I enjoyed very much.