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Archive for November 23rd, 2003

Sara’s Birthday

Sunday, November 23rd, 2003

My Goddaughter, Sara, turned 18 yesterday. It is just a joy to watch her grow into a lovely young lady. She has a lot of inner enthusiasm, which many of us lose by her age. She also is a gutsy person, who knows herself pretty well. She is often willing to try new things and even to risk failure sometimes, in order to move toward a goal. I admire her for that.

Today I gave Sara a scarf I made for her on my Singer HK-100 knitting frame. I used Cha-Cha yarn I got at JoAnn fabrics. The color is perfect for her, it goes wonderfully with her hair. She liked the scarf, which I count as quite a success. She said she had been looking for a scarf lately and apparently mine stood up to the test.

Sara and I took a trip to Montreal in August 2001, and we are now planning another trip, to Vermont (we stopped there on the last trip, and that was her favorite part of the journey). This trip will probably be late July or early August, this upcoming summer. We are both very excited about going.

I am totally thrilled that an 18 year old girl would want to spend time with me! I adore this child from every pore in my body, and I am confident she knows that. What a blessing and a treat it will be to spend a week with her this summer!