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Archive for July 1st, 2004

Gorgeous Summer

Thursday, July 1st, 2004

It was as gorgeous a summer day as is possible, today. I slept in, then I worked with Foster Center kids on computers (a roomful, but not as many kids as I had the last two weeks). I had a second lab in later afternoon, intended for adults, for the most part. That lab is slower. I did spend some time loading software, but I also got a little bit of knitting done. I finished one and a half toes on the purple Reggio sox, which pleased me.

In the second lab, I had only two kids, both of them kids who come to my knitting program during the year. The first girl played computers happily. The other came specifically to show me what she had made (striped handwarmers and a couple of scarves), and to get more yarn. She’s planning an afghan in blues, greens, and gray/silver (the colors of the sea). She is figuring she’ll start that when it is cooler, but the plans are already cranking in her mind.

In the end, I gave her a ton of yarn and loaned her two of my own knitting books. I’m too funny. But she would find something gorgeous, and exclaim out loud how pretty it was. She can tell the quality stuff from the plain worsted acrylics. I had some really lovely handspun mohair she fell in love with. She has seen me spin yarn on my wheel and really appreciates the real thing. I sent it home with her. She’ll know to handwash, too, another reason it should be her yarn.

It was great to see this child again. She’s the one who made me a nosewarmer and earwarmer band, and she made me a small yellow pouch with earrings in it for the last day of knitting this year. Her mom says she knits constantly, and I believe it. The products she finishes are the proof!

After Foster, I went to visit my Goddaughter, Sara. We are having dinner together once a week for a while (tonight we ate lima beans at Altu’s), so that after dinner she can practice driving my stick shift car. She really loves my New Beetle. She is afraid of ruining the car or something, but she does a very nice job once she sheds the fear. Today was our first day driving anywhere but a parking lot. She drove around her neighborhood, which is very familiar to her. She did well. Not well enough to take her downtown yet, but she did just fine. I’m proud of her. Here’s a picture of Sara, happy in the driver’s seat!

On the way home, I stopped at the Grass Garden at MSU (corner of Mt. Hope and Farm Lane). It is such a beautiful place! The sun was setting and was pink at the horizon. I’m really glad I took the extra 10 minutes and stopped there before it was too dark to see it properly. Fortunately, PhotoShop is a good program for lightening pictures so that you can see a bit of detail even from a photo taken at dusk. The colors are not as strong as midday, but you can see in the shadows a bit. Maybe you can see a hint of the purple and yellow flowers there, mid-photo… I hope you can see it at least a little. Here is the garden, in all its July 1 glory!