Looooooong Day
Thursday, July 8th, 2004What a jam-packed day I had! I started in the morning, rinsing out the yarns I’d dyed the night before, and setting them out to dry. I left the house just after noon and got home at 9:45pm, and then did a bit of skeining more yarn for tomorrow’s dye session. And here I am typing my weblog at midnight.
The good news is that although things were hectic before and after I went to work at Foster Center, I did not get many kids even in my early (and usually really busy) kids lab. I even got a little knitting done. This is a miracle, because I usually do not sit down for two full hours.
My second lab, the one for teens and adults, was even more quiet. I had four kids total and an adult visitor. I’m happy to say that I actually finished my Reggio purple afterthought-heel socks. It’s sort of odd, because I still have another pair for myself that need heels to finish, that I started first. But that’s the nature of the creative process.
I did get some dyeing done yesterday, and I wound a bunch of skeins of yarn in preparation for more dyeing tomorrow. This session has actually been quite enjoyable. I am not trying to do anything I can repeat. I am literally playing with color, to get to know my dyes better. And I’m pretty pleased with the results thus far.
No photos yet… I’m so tired I’m falling asleep at the keyboard again. Perhaps tomorrow. I need to show you the new socks when I can.
I’m also very happy that my nasturtiums had two flowers open yesterday (let’s hope the flowers are still there when I have time to take a picture). This year has been rewarding in the gardening department, thus far.