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Archive for July 9th, 2004

Fountain Square Concert

Friday, July 9th, 2004

Today (Friday) I had too much fun and not enough work, I’m afraid. I had lunch with Altu, at Seif Foods, the Egyptian booth at the Lansing City Market (corner of Cedar and Shiawassee). I introduced Magda, the owner of Seif, and Altu, and they had much to talk about.

We ate mujaddara… lentils and rice with spices, and the amazing tomato/garlic sauce Magda puts on it. Wonderful. We also had baklava for dessert, and tea. We both love tea.

Then I actually did go home and work, I dyed more yarn… and then it was time for Brian to go perform with Wally at Fountain Square. I had planned to drive myself after Brian left… I figured I would pop in to New Aladdin’s and watch a little of the performance there by my Habibi friends, then I’d head over to Fountain Square. But at the last minute, Brian asked if I wanted to go with him. I sort of did… we spent a lot of time apart last week and will have a lot of time apart next week. So I went with Brian. I ended up helping Wally sell CDs (he could take time to autograph them, while I was selling them. I felt useful and I enjoyed it.

They had great weather and a good crowd. I saw Regina, a friend from Working Women Artists… and Sharon P, with her beau Lynn. I swear, those three are everywhere I go these days! They sure do get out to all the happening things in this city! I sat with my Mom and her friend Fai (the one who took pictures of me at the parade last Saturday). In the third photo here, you can see mom in the foreground (with the gorgeous silver hair) on the right, and Fai on the left, taking pictures as she loves to do.

Oh, somehow in the middle of all the other things I did, I also got out to look at my yard and in particular my nasturtium flowers on the very front corner of our lot, between the street and sidewalk. I tried growing these last year but started too late and they died from heat and lack of moisture. This year I now have five dark orange flowers! And you might be able to see in there, I also have a little yellow bud from the Stella d’Oro lily. I planted 5 of them last year and none of them bloomed… four came back this year but they were so tiny I was worried. Now I am realizing that it takes transplanted plants sometimes 2 years to look like they are alive, much less thriving. I’m excited that this one might bloom soon!

Oh, I did come back home after the concert and work again. I did another two pounds of yarn after dark. I think I’m getting more accustomed to the process of my new job… the job of wooldyer.

I hope I have a little time to dye more again tomorrow… between Spinners Flock and Knit in, that is. We’ll see. I’m taking my yarns to Spinners Flock tomorrow, we’ll see what happens. I won’t be able to make the next two meetings so I’m happy I can make it this week. And time with Tony is always enjoyable!

Concert Friday Night

Friday, July 9th, 2004

I somehow forgot to mention that Brian is playing with Wally Pleasant Friday night (that’s tonight) at Fountain Square in East Lansing. Concert is at 7:30. These guys really work well together on stage.

Brian has been backing up Wally for occasional gigs and tours for years now, but this time all the press included Brian’s name on the billing. That was Wally’s doing, and very sweet of him. So in the papers it says Wally Pleasant and Brian Hefferan are performing tonight. Brian’s not like me, he doesn’t need to be on stage like I do… but he’s a fine musician and I think it’s cool he’s getting some recognition. It’s still Wally’s gig, Wally’s songs, Wally’s playlist/schedule. But they really do make a fine energy on stage together, an energy a bit bigger than two people might normally project. Here’s a picture of the two of them performing last May at the East Lansing Art Fair.

Also tonight, two of the Habibi dancers are dancing at New Aladdin’s restaurant in Frandor. Lorice and Amira are scheduled tonight. Shows at 6:30 and 8pm. Maybe I can catch the first show and then pop over to Fountain Square. That could be quite the luxurious evening, couldn’t it?

Tomorrow, Saturday, is Spinners Flock guild in Chelsea. It looks like maybe I’ll be going to that with Tony. Then starting at 4pm there is a Knitters’ Night Out at Yarn for Ewe. I’m going to the very beginning of that. And then I’ll be going to my fiber friend Marlene Cameron’s 50th birthday party. She’s so important to my life these days (she taught me how to dye with commercial dyes, for one thing). I definitely want to celebrate her.