Fibery Day
Saturday, July 10th, 2004Saturday morning, Tony and I went to Spinners Flock. I had missed a month I think, and I’ll be missing 2 months after this. I was very happy to go. There are some great people there and I like to buy my magazines there when I can. I like to support our regular book/magazine vendors who are women like me, running a fiber business from their own homes.
This time I got a Spin Off and a INKnitters. I love INKnitters, it is an intelligent magazine with thinking knitter articles. I don’t always love the projects, but then I never seem to knit from others’ patterns anyway. But the articles are fascinating.
We got back in time for Tony to get where he needed to go, by 3pm. I somehow acquired a headache and so I took a nap, then fed myself some good protein and drank a bunch of water and some strong black tea. Miraculously, the headache went away. I’m guessing it was about lack of sleep or lack of good food.
I then went to the Yarn For Ewe Knitters’ Night Out. I had planned to go there at 4pm so I could hang out a little and knit. Instead I picked up a donation Ruth left for me to take to Foster Center (thanks, Ruth!), and chatted a short while with many people. It was very flattering, because a couple of folks wanted to ask me about socks they were knitting.
Even more flattering: two women I knew there had purchased a skein of my ColorSport yarn when I put up the sale pages June 15. Well, the first of those women (who chooses to be anonymous) already finished her pair of sox, from the In The Garden colorway, which has already sold out. I asked if I could see them and take a picture. Aren’t they beautiful? That’s her foot and blue jeans, in front of the display at the store. (Very yummy yarn on display, I must add… yarns with glitter! Makes me want to do another ColorJoy Stole, but I’m already drowning in projects.)
The second woman was most of the way through her first cuff, using my colorway Cool Summer Breeze (it’s on the same page as the above colorway, just scroll down a little bit… still three skeins available). Once she told me she was in the process of knitting the sock, I asked to see it and take a quick picture. Here it is. Isn’t she doing a great job???
After I left Yarn For Ewe, I went to my friend Marlene Cameron’s birthday party. I had a wonderful time there. However, it’s late and I’m tired… so I’ll write about that tomorrow.