A Hot Day, Catching Up
Wednesday, July 21st, 2004Wow, so many things to catch up on here! It’s 84 degrees and only 10:30am, we are going to have a hot one. Brian and I are scheduled to play at Historic Meridian tonight at 7pm. We have a 70 percent chance of rain, so everyone cross your fingers if it pours, it does so before or after the concert. So far they have had excellent luck in this department and we are planning on that to continue one more time.
I got a notice from Michigan Fiber Festival (Allegan, MI) that my two classes are doing well with registrations. Polymer Clay on Thursday is 14 people, and Knitting with Novelty Yarns (ColorJoy Stole) is at 10. I think my max is 16 so if you were hoping to be in those classes you might want to get going with your registrations. Or just wave as you go by my workshop, if I happen to notice you are there. I tend to get very focused when I teach, the only real time that happens for me.
It looks like Annie Modesitt and I will be rooming together at Allegan. I’m thrilled! We tried to meet last September when she had the Seaside retreat, but I got really sick and had to stay home. We’ve been corresponding for several years and are both excited to finally meet up. Once she had one of those Myers-Briggs personality test things on her website… where you could find out how alike you were… and we were something like 97% compatible. Very strange, since our type is only 8% of the population, and because we both do approach knitting design very differently. Anyway we just will have to be sure we don’t stay up all night talking like a slumber party, because we have classes to teach.
Yesterday Brian and I performed at a luncheon my mother had for 37 of her friends that she knows from Florida. Most of the folks she knows there, summer in the north and winter in the south. So these folks came in from Canada, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Ohio, and other more local places. She has done this for three or four years now, and they have a very nice time. They are a great audience for our sort of music, and we had a nice time, as well.
Last night I went to Ann Arbor for the Borders knit in. I went early, though, so that I could have dinner at Exotic Bakery (a Syrian deli) with my brother, Eric and his wife, Diana. They are just about the best friends a person can have. We talked a LONG time, then I went to the knit-in, then I went over to their house in Ypsilanti and we talked more! I got home late but it was very worthwhile. I didn’t get much fiber work done yesterday but it was a successful day, nonetheless. And I did actually do a pretty good job of not worrying.
Pictures today are: Brian and I entertertaining the crowd at lunch, Mom and I at lunch (can you see where I get my ColorJoy?), a Monaco “retro” vehicle someone drove to Mom’s house for dessert, Antonia at Borders wearing her finished sweater… knit on size 2 needles out of French cotton boucle’ (you should have seen the suit and cape she has worn on previous occasions), and the Ypsi/Arbor Bowling neon sign on Washtenaw. I’ve always wanted to get a photo of that sign but I never have gone by with a camera in the evening. Love that sign!!!