Wednesday was our concert in the Park at Meridian Historical Village. We got there and the sky was growing darker. They asked us to start 5 minutes early and play only a half hour rather than 45 minutes, hoping that this way both bands would play.
Well, it was a pretty nice crowd especially given the looks of that sky. In fact, there was a severe thunderstorm *warning* but nothing raining at the time we got there.
So we got the sound check and started playing. We played maybe 20 minutes, perhaps 25. At one point it looked like we might luck out, I could see an actual raincloud pass by to the north of us, while the wind whipped around like Dorothy’s house flying away from Kansas. Well, the wind died down but then the rain came. I had to stop in the middle of a verse to Paper Moon, and we all ran for cover in the barn nearby where they keep the electrical equpment.
It was a shame… the main band, Honest D and the Steel Reserve, did not get a single note played. They have been promised first priority next year, because tonight was the last concert of the season.
I was delighted to see some familiar faces. My Mom and Fred were there, of course. Sharon P and her beau Lynn were there. A very talented gentleman from the poetry community was there, and he even bought a CD while we were hiding from the rain. Our dear friend Bob McCarthy who is in the Abbott Brothers band with us, was there. It was great to see him and give him a big hug!
A man who used to be a neighbor when I was growing up also came, and it was nice to see him again. Of course, Diane Grettenberger, our contact person, and her husband George, were also there. I’m sure I missed someone and I hope they forgive me.
After the concert, I ran to Foster Community Center for the end of the Habibi Dancers’ rehearsal. We are dancing at Ann Arbor Art Fair on Saturday so I needed to be there, as well. I wanted to have a clone but in the end it worked out OK.
When I first got to the room, Anne/Nyla was sitting with her daughter at the other side of the classroom. I was delighted when the child looked up and asked her mom “Is that Lynn?” How cool is that?
I gave my ColorJoy stole to the child to play with, while we danced. I tend to give her things to play with when I see her. She *LOVED* the stole. She wrapped it around herself all sorts of ways, she played peek a boo, she had a wonderful time. I had to dance so I only got one shot, but isn’t this sweet? Anne loves her baby!!! Raising a confident and happy child is the highest artform there is, and this picture reflects a bit of that art.
I can not see this child without remembering that she started out at only 3 pounds and 1 oz. That is just plain tiny! She is doing very well in all levels of development, except that she is pretty small. If that’s her only problem area, she is doing just fine in my book. I’m so happy she’s healthy and thriving. And look at her mom’s face… love. Lucky kid.
Tomorrow I visit a few knitting friends, then I go to work at Foster for a few hours, then I have dinner with Sara again. I love that kid, speaking of a confident and happy child. She’s wonderful. We are really working on her stick shift lessons and she’s doing well. I am looking forward to seeing her.
Photos today are: Brian and I at the Meridian concert, photo taken by Lynn (Sharon’s beau). Unfortunately, I gave him my camera set to take close-ups. Don’t blame him for how fuzzy it is (see Sharon’s blog from the link above and see another photo from the concert). Second shot: Anne/Nyla with her delightful child, playing with my ColorJoy Stole.