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Archive for April 14th, 2005

Dinner with Eric!

Thursday, April 14th, 2005

Thursday was great. Knitting with kids, a bit of knitting for myself, darning a hole in a pair of fave purple handknit socks so I can wear them more, and then dinner with Eric. My brother. My best friend in the world.

He lives over an hour from me. We sometimes drive to a town something like halfway between us, and meet up at a Wendy’s there. They let us talk for hours in the corner. Eric eats their food, I get hot tea and bring food I can eat (I honestly don’t know anywhere in this town where I can eat the food on the menu). They don’t mind, they leave us peacefully alone to talk forever.

Then they close at 10pm. So we go to the car and sit and talk until we’re too tired to talk more. This time I left at 11:45. Home after midnight. I’d do it again in a second. My brother is the best friend I could ever have, and I don’t get time with him nearly enough.

A wonderful day.