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Archive for April 25th, 2005

Slow Blogging Thoughts/Garden Capelet Pattern

Monday, April 25th, 2005

Garden Capelet by LynnHI don’t know why, but I just am slow to blog today. I hate to let you guys down, so I’m making a little bit of a “plain vanilla” diary-like post today. It does end with a new pattern, though!

Bad Weather and Banjos
After having summery 79F weather on Tuesday, we had a *lot* of snow on Saturday night which stayed all day Sunday. (It all melted Monday.) Brian and I had gone to Dearborn (near Detroit) Saturday night, to a four-string Banjo Convention (you’d be shocked to hear how many of these there are when you start looking for them).

It was so fun, all the jam sessions were a blast. (It doesn’t hurt the ego at all when people tell you how great your music is… does it? I ate it up.) We jammed until too long, and then the snowy roads made coming home slooow going. We got home after 4am. Too late on a normal day. Waay too late when I work at noon… no matter how great the work is.

Polymer Clay at Threadbear
So Sunday starting at noon, I taught a wonderful Polymer Clay class to four folks at Threadbear. Loved every second, and did not feel at all tired once we got moving. Once I got home I took a short nap in the evening, and thought I was caught up.

Tired Monday Morning
Not so! Monday morning the phone rang and woke me too early (bedroom is upstairs, phone downstairs, I woke up halfway down). It was someone asking me to do more one-on-one computer training for them, which will be great. I can’t complain when others have a more sane schedule than me. That would be *my* problem.

Tony Makes Me Smile
I did try to sleep a little more after that but it didn’t work. Luckily Tony came to the rescue. He called and we decided to go for late lunch to a Thai/Vietnamese/Chinese restaurant he likes. I was thrilled that they do not use cornstarch or corn oil, so I was able to choose from many options on the menu. I ordered a rice-noodle Thai dish, very tasty.

Tank Top on Hold
I got to show Tony my finished Watercolor Bag. He showed me his finished socks (photo later). I showed him my almost-finished tank top. All the knitting is done, all the sewing together is done. I did the single crochet around the neck and armholes. I’m not at all happy with the crochet edge, so even though I finished what the pattern says, I can’t consider it done yet.

Tony suggested a smaller crochet hook for the project, which did help. However, it’s still very uneven (and I think my crochet gauge is actually fine, it’s the nature of the edge I’m trying to finish that is uneven). I gave it up for today and just knit in circles on some toe-up socks instead (the ones I started for my class recently), to relax.

After lunch, since Beaners (coffeehouse) was two doors down and I have been craving really good English Breakfast tea, we stopped there to pick up some good tea and a shortbread cookie. We ran a few errands together and talked about art, yarn, digital photos, weather, you name it. He is *such* good company. I really enjoyed that time together.

I got home late afternoon, made one phone call for a client, then took a two hour nap! Just what the doctor ordered, I guess. I *know* I can not handle 4:15am any more. I can do 3:30 and I’m OK, but 4 is past my limit, for sure. I just don’t bounce back well these days.

Learning to Rest, a Little
So basically my Monday was a “recover from Saturday night” day. I guess other people take time off on weekends every week, right? Two days? I feel a little guilty taking even one day, but I had no choice today. It was nap or get sick. I did enjoy the nap.

At night, I did get some work done. I had the lovely work tonight of replying to a possible request for Brian and I to perform a concert in October as The Fabulous Heftones. I hope that works out, it should be a really fun event. If it goes through, I’ll write more here at a later date.

Garden Capelet Pattern Debut
I also got an order from Threadbear Sunday for some patterns, so I printed those, put them in page protectors, printed their invoice, and knit a tiny sample socklet (for the Fast Florida Footies pattern).

The guys at Threadbear spurred me to do the final finishing on the Garden Capelet pattern. It is available for purchase as of right now… no web page to announce it yet, but the price will be $5 retail. It is the same deal I’ve been offering for a while… $0.90 postage for one pattern, free shipping for more than one pattern. It’s a nice pattern, much easier than the ColorJoy Stole. It calls for merely 3 yarns, and is not knit randomly which makes it easier for many folks to knit. Still dressy, still lovely, easier to finish quickly if you are working toward a deadline like prom or a wedding.

I was working in PhotoShop with a lot of images at once, including photos of Sunday’s polymer clay class. However, I tried to work with a too-large photo, overflowed my RAM memory *and* my virtual memory, and crashed PhotoShop. Therefore, I have no new photos today (and I got a nice one of a blooming forsythia bush in the snow, I’ll have to show you at a too-late date for news).

Here’s a photo of the Garden Capelet again. I actually did a second capelet in purple and turquoise, and it’s at Little Red Schoolhouse, but somehow I neglected to get photographs of it completed. I don’t know how that happened. I’m slowly doing one more capelet in pale spring green and aqua/blue, but that one is only about 5 inches long on the needles right now. Tomorrow is another day, as they say!