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Archive for July 12th, 2005

A Lazy Summer Day

Tuesday, July 12th, 2005

skyThis Tuesday was a blank-slate day. My calendar did not have a single thing on it… no radio show to remember, no appointments, no teaching, nothing requiring me to be anywhere at any time. Oh, I had some plans, but it was divine to know that I’d be alone most of the day with no expectations. Tuesday is usually my day off, but often I have a guild at night, and sometimes I make dates for lunch or tea.

I slept in as long as I wanted, had a pleasant cup of tea, caught up on my weblog reading, and started to do some maintenance work (a little bookkeeping… yes, it is work related but it was at my own pace and I was happy to do it).

Then the phone rang. I hoped it was April, and it was. She was taking the baby to get her pictures taken, and would I like to tag along? Of course, I would! We had fun, doing what we could to get sweet Isabel to smile, giggle, laugh, and take a few steps on her own trying to get to this or that toy.

They got some very nice photographs, and while April was picking out the shots she wanted, I got to hold sweet Isabel again. Lucky, lucky me! She is a very social baby, loves talking and cooing to the folks who go by, but she really has a preference for being held by her own Mommy. I’m pleased that I’m becoming enough of a constant in her life, and a safe one apparently, so that she allows me to hold her for longer and longer amounts of time. And she’s a delight. She likes to be entertained (I was the same way) but you can not help but want to entertain her! I had the time of my life.

Sharon's Cafe' in Charlotte, MIAfter I got home, I spent a little more time on bookkeeping and then gave myself a reward… time in the hammock with my almost-finished dance top knitting project. Brian came home, and took me out to eat at Taj, a local Indian restaurant. Mmmm, Channa Masala is my favorite… chick peas with a tomato sauce and a bit of spice. I could not finish, but that just means I can eat the rest tomorrow. I love that!

After we got home I finished the neckband on the dance top. I tried it on, and Brian’s thought was that it was “kinda cute” so I am pleased with that! Only two armbands remain, and working in the ends. It’s possible I can finish this before I go to bed tonight.

But between then and now, Brian and I will rehearse a bit. We are still working on a collection of songs we expect will become a CD entitled “In the Garden.” Many of the songs on that album we had not performed before we put together the project, so we have a lot of work to do learning them all. We have two private party performances next week, so we are working to see how many of the new songs we might be able to work up by then. It is always good to strive for something new!

Have I mentioned how much I love summer? It is warm and breezy tonight and I am soooo happy to have the door open! I love opening the doors and windows as much as I can. This time of year delights me, in part because of the fresh air factor. In part because of the flowers outside. In part because we don’t have to wear so many clothes to keep warm that we can barely move! I love wool, but during winter I get tired of feeling like the Michelin Man or the Pillsbury Doughboy all the time!

Off to sing a few songs. Then back to the dance top. I’ll hope to have photos of my top, soon!

Meanwhile, here are some photos I took on July 2, on a trip I took to Charlotte (Michigan) to visit Kim at Yarn Garden. The sky was amazing, with tiny fluffy clouds, and Sharon’s Cafe downtown looked as colorful as ever! (If you ever get to Charlotte, go to Sharon’s and buy pie. That pie is an artform itself!)