My friends, I now bring you photos from our CD Release party. The photos of dancers I took during the jam session, the rest were taken by Mariam. Thanks bunches, Mariam!
First is a photo of Tinisha, one of the knitters who attended the pre-concert knit in. Other knitters in attendance attending were Mary, Mariam, Patty, Diana, Audrey, and Kristi. I sure hope I didn’t miss anyone but I think that’s right. I had special door prizes for my knitters, that was great fun!
Next are three photos of Brian and I performing our music. Knitters, notice that in the photo with me looking up, I’m wearing my new shawl where I spun the yarn from Bonkers fiber.
The third photo of Brian and I was during the “bouncing ball” sing-along of April Showers. We had such fun with that! I won’t tell you how long it took for me to make that sign (40 pieces of letter-sized paper, all taped together a zillion ways) but in the end it was worth the effort. See the sign on the wall behind us?
Last are two photos of dancers during the jam session. First shows how well kids fit in at Magdalena’s, and next shows Mom and Fred in front and Diane and George back left, dancing away in the aisle, as though there were really a dance floor or something!
There were people from all areas of our lives there. Music Friends from many places, a Dance friend, knitters, two computer students, family, CityKidz (older kids from my knitting program at Foster Center), even someone I know from the late 70’s/early 80’s when we volunteered at MSU for a young women’s group. It was the best, just the best!
Now that I got through my busy Monday work schedule, I’m starting to calm down a bit. Next is a pretty intense knitting project which I’ll unveil in due time. Eleven colors of yarn. Ack! And because of the CD party I left myself a very small timeframe in which to do it.
Brian notices that this is sort of how I do things, and he’s right. I tend to do things in sequence, one deadline at a time. So now that the CD party is over I can do the next thing. Even if it really needed me to do some of it before now.
(Actually, to be fair I worked on the plans for this project in 2005. I made a chart for it in December. I bought the yarn just recently. I’ll start knitting tonight after I click “save” on this post. Which actually is being written late on June 26 but I’m going to date it for the 27th since I already posted twice on Monday.)
I guess part of me needs to be a drama queen at times, or something. But somehow a little adrenaline rush gets me working better. I don’t focus too well without a deadline, I hate to admit… so here I go to wind a few of my yarns into center-pull balls.
Knit away! Hi ho, Silver! (…or something like that!)