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Archive for June 25th, 2006

A Little Crazed, a Lot Happy

Sunday, June 25th, 2006

Fabulous Heftones at Magdalena's TeahouseI spent much of Saturday preparing for our CD release party Sunday. I’m getting excited. I have most of the things on my to-do list crossed off. Last night I went to bed several hours past my normal bedtime, and was awakened once more by the birds nesting under the air conditioner, about 4 feet from my sleepy head. They are quite an enthusiastic crowd, those birds!

I ran a zillion errands Saturday but did remember to enjoy summer. I spent about an hour on my porch in the hammock, reading and dozing a bit. It was wonderful! Then we saw Daniel Cook (Daniel the Minstrel) play at Altus, while we enjoyed the company of Teri and Chris and Deborah. In fact, when the restaurant closed we stood in the parking lot and talked longer. It was great weather for that, and the sun stays out so long right now we really enjoyed it.

I have accomplished all I can reasonably do tonight so I’ll go to bed at a normal hour for me. Tomorrow is a retirement event for a very special person (the minister who married us, who also was key in my adolescent life), and Mom and I will leave for that at noon.

As far as the CD Release party, I don’t do big deals easily and I’m just sure I forgot something. I think what I’ve forgotten is that I’m supposed to be enjoying all this. Actually, I am enjoying much of it but worried about my distractable self. I used to *be* a secretary but these days I wish I could hire one for myself!

I guess most things I worry over don’t matter given enough time, anyway… so I will go to bed, sleep like a baby, and enjoy Sunday as much as I possibly can.

After all, this is about friends and people who love what we do, coming together. To enjoy our music. How fun is that?

Photo: Brian and I performing at Magdalena’s last month as featured performers on a Thursday open mic night. It was hot that day and we wore our African clothing (my caftan is from Kenya, his shirt from Ghana). Sunday we’ll be in our customary formalwear, Brian in a tux and me in a floor-length dress. Costuming *is* an art, you know? And a fun one at that!