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Archive for August 3rd, 2006

I Made Ukulelia, Cool Beans!

Thursday, August 3rd, 2006

I got a friendly email from Ellen Bloom in Los Angeles, that she’s a knitter/crocheter who also plays Ukulele. I love to have friends that far away… and she’s another city lover. (Never mind I’ve never been into L.A., I drove very near it once when visiting friends in CA. But I digress…)

Ellen found me on Ukulelia! (It’s the July 29 entry.) Oh, wow. Maybe I’m famous now. Whatever that means…

I’m honored that they seem to like my blog. They list Judith Bradbury as the person who referred them here. Judith, are you out there? Thank you! If you send me a private email to Lynn at ColorJoy DOT com, I’d be delighted to pop you a CD in the mail.

Well, that sure made my day. Thanks to Ellen and Judith… and the folks over at Ukulelia (especially Gary) as well.

If you are visiting here because you love ukulele music, just click on the photo of Brian and I playing music up there at the top right corner of this page. Soon you’ll be at the Fabulous Heftones web page where you can download much of the music Brian and I have recorded… whole songs, whole CDs in most cases. Even some music Brian has recorded but never released on CD. Please help yourselves…

Concert at Gone Wired Cybercafe this Friday!

Thursday, August 3rd, 2006

Waypastfrown/Thomas BolesWe interrupt this mostly-knitting/art blog for a music advertisement: This Friday, August 4, from 8pm-12m, there will be a Trio of Acoustic Acts performing at Gone Wired Cybercafe.

This is on the coolest block in Lansing, at 2021 E. Michigan Avenue, across from Emil’s Italian Restaurant and Magdalena’s Teahouse, the other end of the block from Green Door Lounge, next door to Lamai Thai Kitchen (and that is not all the fun on that block but this is getting long). It’s all good on that block, my friends!

The trio of acts? Well, no surprise that you’ll hear Brian and I as The Fabulous Heftones. But leading the charge is Thomas Boles, otherwise known as Waypastfrown, from the San Francisco Area, here on tour. And the reason we’re involved is “Daniel the Minstrel” Cook who has played at Altu’s and who came to our CD Release Party at Magdalena’s in June. He will be performing as well.

Daniel the Minstrel CookHere are the descriptions of these acts that I sent out to the press:

Waypastfrown is Thomas Boles, all the way from California! Thomas has been singing, writing and performing originals throughout the bay area for close to a decade. Waypastfrown is a collection of Thomas’sweeter pop songs rearranged for the acoustic guitar allowing the lyrics to shine through.

Daniel “The Minstrel” Cook is a central Michigan act who alternates original, thoughtful acoustic works with selected acoustic works by others. His singing is soulful and true, his lyrics meaningful.

The Fabulous HeftonesThe Fabulous Heftones are Brian and Lynn Hefferan, a Lansing husband/wife duo on ukulele and bass. They focus on the love songs and novelty tunes from the early part of the 1900’s. Expect to hear old standards such as Paper Moon and April Showers. However, you’ll also be introduced to long-lost gems such as Paddlin’ Madeline Home, I Love Me, and Mother I’m Wild. Download free music from their website, whether or not you can hear them live.

It would be great to see a few of you there. That is, those who live near Lansing and can actually make it. Or not. Your choice, of course.

Thanks for listening… back to visual arts (in at least a loose sense) tomorrow.

Photos: Thomas Boles/Waypastfrown, “Daniel the Minstrel” Cook, The Fabulous Heftones.