Folk Fest Fun
Sunday, August 13th, 2006We’re still hanging out at the Great Lakes Folk Festival for one more day.
Sunday I’ll be at Altu’s food booth (EL Parking lot 1 on Albert) from noon to 3pm helping her serve food, and from 3-6 I’ll be at the Mid-Michigan Knitting Guild tent (behind People’s Church). My self-portrait will be at the booth the whole day. Yesterday a few folks went to the guild table but didn’t see the portrait because it was hung very high, above eye level. I’m not sure where it will be hung today. I also printed out postcards with the portrait on them if folks want to walk away with a souvenir.
Here are a few photos of Saturday night. There’s a photo of Feufollet on stage at the dance tent, a photo of our friends Art and Marlene, and a pic Brian got of me with Art behind me. Also last but not least, a photo of CityKid knitter Mariam dancing on the dance floor. There were actually two other CityKidz there. Altu’s neice told me that I know everybody! I guess when you go to creative things and you’re a creative person, you’ll know people. I dance, I am in the music community, and I knit. I saw folks from all those realms and more. I saw a ocmputer student there, and someone I went to high school with.
And Rainbow Julie, who works for the festival, was there walking briskly but she did have a smile on her face. The weather sure helped the moods of many of us! Just perfect sunny weather with a tiny breeze. Wonderful.
OK off to the fest once more…