Sunday, August 20th, 2006Well, it’s technically Sunday night. I have seven minutes left, to be honest. I’m downloading my 400 email messages right now and will return all messages anyone sent me about the pattern sale, before I turn in for the night. If you think you sent me a message and you don’t hear from me in the next few hours, please write again.
I had a wonderful time. My students were the best, the classes went great. I socialized and ate good food (not on the fairgrounds, though), laughed, smiled, slept, knit, smiled again. I met so many new fine people. I guess I didn’t knit as much as I would have liked, but this was a work event, not a vacation. I’d say it all fit in the balance and I have no complaints.
Have I mentioned how much I love teaching? Oh, the joy of it all.
More tomorrow.