Detours and Chill
Saturday, September 2nd, 2006It is sweater weather still. It is like someone turned a switch and we were dealing with fall/autumn. I still can not find my gray cabled alpaca sweater, it’s somewhere in the piles and piles of off-season clothing. I’m drowning in clothes, I love them so much they are choking me out. I need to let go…
But for now I’m wearing long leggings/stretch pants, wool legwarmers, wool socks, tank top, turtleneck, thin sweater, and bulky long jacket/cardigan, with a heavy woven wool shawl and angora beret/hat. My knees are peeking out above the legwarmers and feel chilled yet. My hands were cold earlier but right now with the layers and a cup of Kukicha tea, they are OK at least while typing.
I am finding that I had planned a few things this week and I just need to give myself permission to change gears. I need to knit. I just need to make as many stitches as I can right now, I don’t know why. Yesterday I made a whole sock. Today I’m making Lucy Neatby’s Equilateral Hat. It totals 15 triangles and then a trim and lining. I’m more than halfway through the 9th triangle.
I wanted to spend today on the Knitting Machine, but that requires a learning curve and what I need now is steady repetition and speed. Since the KM is not work related, and the knitting I’m doing is for store samples, I have actually worked 2 days instead of the one I had intended.
Also, tonight Brian had me record bass and voice tracks for some songs we’re recording just because. We don’t really have another CD planned right now. Licensing fees for songs 1923 and later add up fast and we will want to sell more of our In the Garden CDs before we dive in again… never mind lack of space to store more boxes. But recording is one of those things you just have to be in the mood to do, sometimes. If Brian’s into the idea of recording, I’m into the idea of doing my part.
On stage, I play bass and Brian plays ukulele. When we have recorded in the past, Brian has for the most part played the bass parts himself. This time I really want to do my bass-playing bit even on the recordings. It was easier for Brian to just do it when we were on deadlines, but I’m starting to just want to be more involved. This time around we have the leisure for me to do it.
It actually felt like it went pretty well tonight. Brian can spend all the time he wants/needs to edit the music tracks with no CD-release deadline. Then when we decide to make another CD we will have a lot of the work done.
OK, back to my wonderful hat (in a Noro Kureyon colorway with turquoise and orange, primarily… very intriguing). I love Lucy Neatby, and this hat is no exception. It’s well planned, simple to execute, written as if she were sitting there chatting with you, and the product is bound to flatter.
Good night, and stay warm!