Happy Birthday, Altu!
Sunday, September 17th, 2006Sunday is Altu’s birthday. She is the truest of friends, someone with whom I never have to wonder what she’s thinking. A woman of honor and always true to her word. A woman of passion.
And a woman who is the finest artist in the kitchen, I’ve ever met. She took me to Africa for 38 days and yet I’ve never had better Ethiopian food than that she offers in her East Lansing restaurant.
I can not explain how much I appreciate Altu. The biggest example I can give is her invitation to me, to join her in a trip to Africa. Where I stayed in homes of Altu’s friends and family in two countries. Where I was able to see things and places I had never heard of before our trip. Where I saw the wonderful variety and sameness that is humanity and our world. It’s amazing how alike we really are, no matter how different our lifestyles and environments may be.
Last Thursday we started celebrating her day, by having our regular Thursday lunch. We went out for sushi and I gave her a CD of the musician from Mali who I had heard at Wheatland. Then I chatted with her briefly today as I put an apple crisp in the oven which is hers. I had to get the dessert to her somehow so I’m going to meet her for lunch Monday. It’s sort of fun to celebrate for days and days!
One thing I really notice about Altu, is that she notices and appreciates when I thought of her when we were not together. When I call and tell her I am making apple crunch for her, this means a great deal to her besides anticipation of eating dessert. She always thanks me for thinking of her. They are a really special part of being in her life, those thank-you’s (which I did just discuss here just a few days ago).
I wish for you all to have a friend as true as my friend.
Happy Birthday, Altu!!!
Photo: Altu and I on the roof of a castle in Alexandria, Egypt on the Mediterranean Sea. Did you know that Egypt was a Mediterranean country? I knew it was both mideastern and African but I did not realize until this trip that it was also on the Mediterranean. No wonder Alexandria was named after Alexander the Great, now, is it? This photo was taken on December 24, 2004. What a trip that was!