Music and More Music, and Food and Knitting
Wednesday, September 27th, 2006Our friend Bob stayed an extra day and while I’m typing this, he and Brian are jamming on ukuleles in the living room. It has been a day of great music. We did uke stuff, then tuned in to Progressive Torch & Twang, then did more uke stuff.
For dinner (for the three of us) as we hung out here in the house, I made some chicken and carrots and onions and homemade barbecue sauce in the crockpot and it was really good. I was smart enough to do it in our larger crockpot so we had more than enough for the 3 of us, and then there were still leftovers for 2 more meals for the 2 of us.
I did a lot of knitting today. A lot. I helped watch Rae’s shop while she had to be at Wharton Center and I knit between customers. The sky was blue and the sun shone, and her shop has big windows so I drank in the light and it really helped my mood turn around
My Lucy Neatby Equilateral Vest is really really coming along. It is so fun, like eating potato chips, when you knit a triangle and then another and another. It is really looking lovely. I finished the right front yesterday and I knit all but 5 triangles on the left front today. That’s something like 20 triangles in a day, almost the whole front in about 3 days. It was really satisfying.
I have 5 more equilateral triangles left to knit on the whole thing. Then I sew it all together (it requires mattress stitch… right now it is just basted together, but it won’t be a big job to sew it properly and I do love handsewing).
The next task will be to knit eight odd-shaped triangles, and last I will knit attached I-cord edging to the whole thing. I hope it stays interesting through the odd triangles and the I-cord. One day at a time, right? I did start it in August 2005 so it will be done when it is done. It’s not hard knitting, but I do have to actually knit on it for any progress to happen. That’s life!!!
Tomorrow Lil’ Rev comes and we have his show at Altu’s. I’m really looking forward to his presence as well as his show. It’s not technically a concert since it’s a restaurant doing normal business during his performance, but he is so fine of an entertainer I keep calling it a concert. It will be great fun!
Time to SLEEP. I stayed up till 3am last night just because it was so quiet and peaceful in the house I could not stand to give up that peace and quiet to go to sleep. I knit and read a few magazines and then I slept. I don’t regret the tradeoff, it helped my day today immensely.
Nighty night!