I Love Skyscrapers
Tuesday, April 17th, 2007I’m getting settled in again after being gone so long. I know some of you are waiting semi-patiently for the travelogue.
The truth is, I lost my power supply to this laptop on the trip (I think I left it in the waiting area at Detroit Metro Airport on the way to Dallas… drat). I had enough battery for one night and that was the end of that! Thankfully, Diana and Eric (brother and sis-in-love) found me a new one and had it ordered/shipped in time for me to get it on Tuesday afternoon.
It was a busy Tuesday, anyway, and I did not have much time to write or even sit at my desk. However, I downloaded 250 photos while Brian and I were rehearsing and I developed a few for you after rehearsal. Wednesday I will start the travelogue…
Meanwhile, here are some photos I am very happy with. I took them out the window of my friend’s car on Monday as we were sightseeing.
I love skyscrapers. I love, love, love big cities. The first big city I ever really experienced was Toronto, in 1975. I was a Junior in High School.
That trip changed my life. I felt so right when I was in the city. During that trip, I took a lot of photographs from the sidewalk pointing the camera straight up. I was in love. I’m still in love. Can you tell it from these city photos? Aaaaah….
More everything later. For now I need to sleep. Thanks for staying tuned in while I was away.