Nothing like computer woes…
Wednesday, June 4th, 2008So I’m getting ready to be gone from home for 5 days. I’m going to the TNNA spring show, a yarn-buying trade show in Columbus Ohio. It’s much fun, much overload, more yarn than you can imagine.
And I’m crazy-busy trying to finish everything I wanted finished before I left. And instead our internet connection went down for about 36 hours. Whew. Thanks for hanging in there for me.
Columbus is a wonderful city. I am looking forward to the food in particular. I discovered some very fine food vendors a block or two from the convention center last year. The bubble tea and Indian food will draw me back again, for sure.
I hope to be able to see a new music friend, Megan Palmer, who is based in Columbus. Unfortunately for me (good for her) she will be out of town this weekend but we are going to see if we can connect Thursday before she leaves.
And then we get to cross fingers, toes, and eyes… that I’ll remember people I met last year at the show. There are so many people, so much distraction, that I really hope I remember people from last year.
If you know who I am and see me, please, please say hello. Sometimes people spot me across the way and don’t say hi. That makes me sad.
I’m not an accountant, I’m an artist. I’m in a touchy-feely business which is guided by relationship as much as possible. People are everything, really, in an art-based business. I want to meet you, do not be shy. Say hi!
(Here are 3 photos that are typical of how I usually look… on the subway in Toronto, Yarn Harlot Canadian Book Launch April 2007; with Bosko and Honey a few months ago here in Lansing; and dancing with Brian at his parents’ 50th anniversary party last month. Surely this will make it easier to spot me in a crowd?)
OK, off to finish packing, sleep a few hours, and get on the road. Rae is supposed to pick me up at 8am. Ugh. I often do not get up till 10:00 or later. Fortunately, Rae and I both wake up slowly and will be kind to one another until the caffeine kicks in. We are good travel partners so that will be a fun part of the trip, actually.
Friday is the blog tour for Knit So Fine, do make sure to tune in here then!!!