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Archive for June 13th, 2008

Busy Saturday Planned: Join Me?

Friday, June 13th, 2008

Saturday is going to be crazy-busy in the Lansing, Michigan area… with all the right happenings. For one thing, it is International Knit-in-Public (KIP) day. Then at night Brian and I will be singing at Altu’s. Here is the schedule:

9:00-11:00am KIP just outside Lavender & Peonies, right in the Dewitt Farmer’s Market (north of Lansing maybe 20 minutes).

11:00-2:00 KIP at Patriarche park East Lansing (sponsored by Rae of Rae’s Yarn Boutique and Nancy of Woven Art)

2:00-5:00pm KIP at Threadbear Fiberarts, the west side of Lansing.

Knitting no doubt will continue… but I then will switch into my singing persona (for The Fabulous Heftones) and sing at Altu’s Ethiopian Cuisine in East Lansing, from 6:30-8:30. Great food, great company, a great way to end the day.

And my Mom is back in town for the summer so it will be wonderful to have her (and her friends) in the audience. Singing in the winter just feels a little strange to have her not be there. Happy me!

I am feeling pretty crummy today. I awoke with a mean headache, so took some aspirin which then gave me a tummy ache. Drat. Unfortunately, that brings a grumpy Lynnie.

I hope that tomorrow will bring an improved grouping of head, tummy and attitude. I like myself better when I’m genuinely smiling. I think I will be crashing extra early tonight, in the hope that I can get up early enough to go north.

Interesting, too… my Brian is in the Scarlet Runner String Band. They will be singing in DeWitt at Sweetielicious Pie Pantry starting at 9am. Cool, huh? All in the family…

Please, local folks… consider joining me for one event or all. It will be a fun day!

I’m in the Book!

Friday, June 13th, 2008

I got word today that I will have one sock pattern/design of mine included in a book of sock designs by Lark Books. They expect it to come out in late 2009 and I probably will not be able to talk much about it until then. I will say that my design is colorful and an unusual structure, but will not be significantly difficult to knit.

Thanks to Rae for helping me brainstorm possible design motifs. Her input influenced the final design.