I have chosen to spend my day alone in silence. Brian is on a long bike ride, as he loves to do on days off. I will drink tea, work in the house, do whatever it is I choose to do for my business. This is good for both Brian and me, some time to ponder the moment for a while.
(The photo is a cup of tea I had in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, at my friend Altu’s mother’s home… pure joy, great tea with love in it.)
My voice can use some rest. We have had many performances and I have been teaching a lot. There are few days when I can just be alone and be quiet.
Balance is Essential
Those who know me socially, may not realize that I have a quiet side. In public, I bubble to life. I enjoy all people and notice joy in every color and every child’s smile. Without the structure of a classroom or stage, I talk too much, too loud, too quickly. Joy is a real part of my being, and it can be electric if you are me.
In order to balance, I need to be alone at times. Lately I have had little solo time. Today is the day. I will bake (this I have been avoiding, it makes a mess I don’t enjoy cleaning up). I will make a crockpot of soup, probably split pea. I will go for a long walk with my knitting and a camera.
Pondering the Art of Words
Quiet days enhance some things. Today I accidentally came across a poem and it made me smile. I decided to look up a poem (a different one) to share with you. Remember, ColorJoy is about recognizing the art in all things. Words can be art, and perhaps most when they are poetry.
This came from a book called Miracles, a book from the 1960’s still available on the used market. Some wise person collected poetry from children. Many were so young, they required an adult to take dictation. I’m grateful that those adults sat still and listened.
The children are grown now. I have shown this poem here before, and the person who wrote it sent me a little note. Very cool.
May you have a lovely day. Perhaps you can make yourself a cup of tea, as I have, and join me in the joy contained in the artform that is carefully-chosen words.
©1968 by Marc Duskin
Age 10
United States
From the Book:
Miracles, Poems by children of the English-speaking world
Collected by Richard Lewis
Simon and Schuster, 1966
Grownups are silly,
They never drink coffee
When it’s served
To them.
They just talk
And never drink it
Until it’s cold.
Isn’t that silly?
I haven’t grown
Since I was five
I haven’t grown at all…
Grownups are just getting shorter.