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Archive for October 11th, 2009

Busy, Good Weekend!

Sunday, October 11th, 2009

I had a good weekend, I hope you did as well. Brian and I (The Fabulous Heftones) sang at Altu’s on Saturday night, which was pleasant as always. Thanks to friends, fans and family who came out for the show!


Sock Class!

Sunday I taught a “Sock in a Day” class. Really it is more “structure of a sock” in a day, what folks actually come out of the class with is a very small footie with a rolled top finish. They learn toe, heel, gusset, and tricks for binding off and finishing a toe-up sock.

I’m showing Peggy’s sock from today. The yarn is Panda Silk DK, a beautiful yarn indeed.

Thanks to Marilyn and Peggy for driving over an hour to come to my class! We had a great time and they enjoyed lunch on the East Side so they got the flavor of our wonderful neighborhood as well as a class.

Gratitude for Rest

It looks like I’m heading into a typically frenzied LynnH week. I’m happy I had a day and a half of quiet rest at home on Friday/Saturday morning.

It’s wonderful to have enough time to rest a whole day… and then for part of a second day, do things like laundry and the like. That just felt like luxury, after having eight weekends in a row with travel or a performance involved.

Rested, refreshed, rejuvenated! I’m ready for a new week. I hope you feel the same.