Still Beautiful
Saturday, October 24th, 2009I took this photo on Wednesday. This is about 4 blocks directly behind my old house, the one I bought when I was single. It is also about 5 blocks, if that, from Foster Community Center.
I really miss living in this (Eastside) neighborhood. These houses were built post-war, in the 40’s. They are a few blocks outside of the city limit.
The back property line of my yard was the city limit, and my house was built circa 1923. I loved that house, that block. Here is a shot of my old block (my former house is in the middle of the right-hand side of the street, you can’t really see her, you see neighbors better.
Things are a little more crowded and funky in the 20’s bungalow areas, but that was a huge part of the appeal. And the trees are pretty throughout the Eastside.