Deep but Beautiful Indeed
Wednesday, February 10th, 2010It is snowing like a 1950’s Christmas movie here. It was normal, sparse snow until about 1 pm or so, but it got more dense all day. I am not a fan of winter, to say the least, but this snow is gorgeous. It helps that it stayed about freezing all day, and there was little wind until dinnertime.
When the streetlights shine near this snow, the undisturbed spots sparkle like glitter. Flakes on my mittens look like perfect miniature crystal artforms. Sound is muffled, and it is magical. That is, when you are not driving.
At 1:30, the main roads were damp but the side roads were ice rinks. We park on a very short street, and as I pulled away from my home, an SUV was helplessly driving an S-shaped path, using two full lanes on a two-lane street, barely stopping in time to avoid a collision with me. I saw his face in horror just before he stopped.
It’s actually better when the main roads are also slow, because then folks realize that prudence is essential. Four-wheel drive is no good once a skid starts.
I was out until about 7pm or so. On the way home, even the ambulance route on Michigan Avenue was white rather than wet. I took the main downtown artery, I-496, for a mile or so from Frandor shopping center to the Pennsylvania exit. Nobody was going over 35MPH. Excellent!
I got home safely.
Brian also got home safely: