More Hidden Color/Urban Found Art
Saturday, October 23rd, 2010Cynthia spotted this unintentional urban sculpture during one of our walks. It sure looks as though someone in a vehicle hit a light post. This is what is left after the light post was removed from the scene. (I sure hope that person is still alive to tell about it.)
Here it is in standard, “natural” color.
What i notice there is the rust and what looks like a little spray paint on the metal plate at right. I spot a bit of yellow-green in a leaf at the top right of the tube.
Now, a saturation-intensified version of the same image:
I am fascinated by the green shadowy front edges of the bricks at the very back. It’s also rather wonderful how the cement at front right is orange with purple-blue gravel in it.
Isn’t the intense blue-purple of the lightpostĂ‚Â and street, a beautiful contrast to the yellow-oranges and deep oranges in the sidewalk, bricks and metal pieces? I just love this.
And the first photo looks like gray and gray and gray…